
Ανακατασκευή ανεμόμυλου στην Τήνο | Windmill restoration in Tinos, Greece
Ο Μηχανισμός της Ελεύθερνας | ανακατασκευή Δημήτρης Χατζής, Τήνος | Eleutherna ancient lock mechanism reconstruction by D. Chatzis in Tinos

Eleutherna ancient lock mechanism reconstruction by D. Chatzis in Tinos

Dimitris Chatzis working on the reconstruction of the ancient lock mechanism found in Eleutherna, Crete, Greece. The lock is a unique item that is compared with the Antikythera mechanism and interpreted as a Rom lock. Recovered in 2002, it has been subjected to extensive scientific examination at Rethymnon (D. Kalligeropoulos and S. Vasileiadou). It was recovered in a pottery

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